Thomas Bella
Weather in Siegenfeld
The displayed measurements are from multiple sources and are evaluated and stored centrally.
The exact weather data is determined and periodically stored using a Froggit HP1000SE PRO weather station. The weather station is supplemented with a DP100 soil moisture sensor, DP200 PM2.5 particulate matter emission radio sensor and DP60 lightning detector.
Additionally, various data is collected with different devices. For example, the current air pressure is measured with a BME280 and with a Raspberry PI 3 Model B+ via a RTL2838 SDR receiver at 433 MHz and 868 MHz various other sensors.
The resulting data is further processed, evaluated and the raw data is stored in a MySQL and InfluxDB database for later processing.

Weather forecast according to Zambretti:
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Temperature of the last 24 hours
Temperature of the last 7 days
Air pressure of the last 24 hours
Air pressure of the last 7 days
Wind of the last 24 hours
Wind of the last 7 days
Rain of the last 24 hours
Rain of the last 7 days
Humidity of the last 24 hours
Humidity of the last 7 days